Tag: Exploitation

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The Forgotten Legacy of Joice Heth How a Slave Fueled Barnum’s Fame

The Forgotten Legacy of Joice Heth: How a Slave Fueled Barnum’s Fame

P.T. Barnum’s rise to fame is an emblematic reflection of the deeply entrenched inequalities of 19th-century America. Barnum, known as the “Great American Showman,” capitalized on the public’s thirst for spectacle and curiosity, transforming the entertainment landscape with his audacious displays of oddities and curiosities. He is often remembered for founding what became “The Greatest...

Re-evaluation of Freedom: A Historical Study of Systemic Injustices in America from Colonization to the 21st Century

Re-evaluation of Freedom: A Historical Study of Systemic Injustices in America from Colonization to the 21st Century

Upon closer scrutiny of the American Dream, it becomes evident that while inspiring, has often failed to align with the historical realities experienced by many individuals who call America home. While the dream promotes the belief that America is a land of equal opportunity, the experiences of marginalized communities tell a different story. From the onset of colonization, through the periods of slavery and systemic racism, to the present-day struggles of various minority groups, the nation's history is riddled with contradictions to this quintessential American ideal.

Divided We Fall - Disinformation Division and the Fight for Unity Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Divided We Fall: Disinformation, Division, and the Fight for Unity Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

As we grapple with these dual pandemics, an old adage reverberates with renewed relevance - "United we stand, divided we fall". The phrase, a rallying cry in the face of adversity, has never held more significance. Today, it stands not just as a statement of resilience but as a stark warning. For it is not only the virus we fight but also the societal and political schisms that have been laid bare and further fueled by the pandemic and the disinformation accompanying it.