In the 21st century, humanity stands on the precipice of an unprecedented era of discovery. With rovers trundling across Martian plains and probes transmitting invaluable data from the outer reaches of our solar system, our knowledge of the cosmos continues to expand. Yet, despite these advancements, there remains a contentious debate on a fundamental premise: the shape of our Earth.
Tag: Media
Fascist Theology and Its Impact on Contemporary American Society: A Critical Examination
The overarching objective of this dissertation is to provide an in-depth exploration and understanding of fascist theology within the socio-political landscape of contemporary American society. This will be accomplished through a multi-dimensional approach that includes the following specific objectives.
January 6, 2022October 31, 2023America, Conspiracy, Disinformation, Equality, Fascism, Freedom, Patriotism, Politics, Racism, Religion, Rights, Separatism
Echoes of Extremism: The Rise of Alt-Right Radicalization
In recent years, societies worldwide have observed an unsettling uptick in acts of violence and terrorism. These aren't isolated to one geographical location or culture but transcend boundaries and ideologies, sowing fear and confusion. Several incidents have not only made headlines but have also imprinted themselves in the collective consciousness of the global community.